A one-man-operation.....I'm beginning to get the picture....this guy must be an artist, must prefer to work alone, and is probably constantly inspired as he gazes out the window at the various waterfowl and creatures of nature gathering at the river while he tapes, muds and sands. Nice work if you can get it, eh?
This sheet rock production seems like it has gone on forever....(and I'll try to get some pictures of it tomorrow or the next day)....but is making me happy every time I visit. The lines of the house look so much more sharp and defined now.....and combined with the whiteness of the walls, your eyes are almost forced to follow those lines to each window and what lies beyond. It's very dramatic and very fulfilling....because the view out of each opening is both dramatic and fulfilling. And I'm pretty sure that's exactly what that one-man-operation is feeling too. That takes time.
"How's the house coming?"....(I got side-tracked and a little carried away, just then.) I was going to say that during this lengthier phase of the operation, I continue to enjoy the people who ask, "how's the house coming?". I really do. I don't anticipate many more "happenings" of this caliber for the rest of my life, and I am constantly amazed at the folks who know about this project, who seem to genuinely care enough to ask, and also seem to know how much this house means to me. It makes me feel very wealthy on every level each time I am asked. Thank you.
I did manage to take a few pictures last week to send to a friend who wondered, "can you see the house now from the river?"...."can you see the house from the road?"....."how long is driveway going to be?"...."what kind of path do you have to the river from the house?"....."how do you get your kayak down to the river?".
And, as the Ozark Mountain Daredevils also say, "better get back to the country, look around and find you a home....."
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