Friday, June 12, 2009

Hi-HO, Hi-HO....

..........and a new dawn is breaking for the8747house........Phase II.....

Jason starting the process for the open deck off the screened porch.....
Jason and Michael with their version of an "open deck frivolity check".........
No-grass-fire welding takes years of practice.......

Keep your eye on this steel beam........
The view from the soon-to-be-screened porch to the soon-to-be-deck.....

It's gonna be nice, eh?..............

Primed and ready to flash........

Michael preparing the porch for the cedar that will wrap it.......

And, here we have a sample of the cedar that will wrap the porches.......

One skylight in.......two to go.......

........I wanted little butterfly decals, but this is all they had....

Someone has been walking on my roof.............

Pretty darned awesome.......that's what I think.......

Speaking in tongues......showing off......

I wish everyone could live like this.......

Much lighter with the skylights in....(standing in living room looking towards into the kitchen and down the hall past the furnace/laundry area) about those windows?

Yep........that's the river down there......the James.

The door guys arrive........and everything is ready for them.

Judy and Jon (sister and brother-in-law) got the clearing project underway last week.......and I am following up........working with sharp objects on a slant is NOT yoga-like......

Send any suggestions for non-mowing, low-maintenance, legal plants for this field of dreams....

This is my bedroom side of the house......(porch area presently obstructed by rare plant)....

If one is operating the shop vac in the living room, this is the view one would see......

Enthusiastic old lady (looking very manly) with her SHINDAHWAH weed eater.......on a slant.


Drea said...

It's looking awesome! You must be super excited!

ocmist said...

Your area is SO beautiful!!! The roof looks great and those skylights are AWESOME!!! Those are really tempting to think about using...